Daniel Sanchez, Alix E Rojas, Hector Florez. Towards a Clean Architecture for Android Apps using Model Transformations. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. ISSN:1819656X. vol:49(1). p:270-278. (2022).
Conferencias Académicas
Daniel Sanchez, Hector Florez. Model Driven Engineering Approach to Manage Peripherals in Mobile Devices. p:353-364. Melbourne, Australia. (2018).
Daniel Sanchez, Oscar Mendez, Hector Florez . An Approach of a Framework to Create Web Applications. p:341-352. Melbourne, Australia. (2018).
Daniel Sanchez, Hector Florez . Improving Game Modeling for the Quoridor Game State Using Graph Databases. p:333-342. Santa Elena, Ecuador. (2018).
Daniel Sanchez, Oscar Mendez, Hector Florez . Applying the 3-layer Model in the Construction of a Framework to Create Web Applications. p:364-369. Orlando, Estados Unidos. (2017).